Many health challenges that women face are overlooked in the healthcare system. Often, traditional treatment methods have left many exasperated. Filippa Odevall, co-founder of MoonRise, having experienced pelvic prolapse, wanted to change that. Being presented with conventional band-aid solutions that limited her quality of life, she looked to science-based natural techniques and practices which helped her to tackle the root cause and pave the way for healing. MoonRise is a health coaching program that empowers and enables women to take ownership of their health, making healing solutions accessible and affordable.
Not a product but a movement.
Having sharpened their brand strategy, co-founders Filippa and Mahesh had a clear vision for MoonRise (formerly WomenCycles) and needed a design partner who could translate that into the visual identity. With a strong emphasis on empowerment over treatment, it was vital for MoonRise to be seen not as a product but a movement.

A connection to femininity.
The Moon is a symbol of femininity as it embodies women’s cycles. Once that is internalised, the underlying message behind MoonRise becomes apparent - empowering women in their own bodies. What Filippa envisioned was something that carries a subtle undertone of the true depth and powerful allure of a woman’s body, which is in essence, is cyclical and mystical.

Rising at dusk, evolving by phase.
A medley of moon phases and sky hues,
change rippling before our eyes,
as the moon rises against the dusk sky.
The visual identity for MoonRise has layers of symbolism. The colours of the dusk sky reminds one of a nurturing mother - warm and mature. Feel the rhythm of the symbol - a paradigm shift, a sign of constant change. A sphere where women are connected by femininity, rising as a community.